Sunday, May 01, 2005

Broad Street Run 10 Miler - 2005 Results

Total athletes: 12050 (Females: 5295 / Males: 6754)

Final time is when I actually crossed the finish line; chip time is the amount of time from when I hit the starting line to when I crossed the finish line. Since there are thousands of people running, if you aren't in the very front, it can take you several minutes after the gun goes off to get to the starting line. Hence, the chip time. AG refers to Age-Graded Results. I still don't understand what they are.


hazel said...

I have no idea what this means or if it is good or what, but...


hazel said...

you know, it appears from this info that you did better than 46% of the runners - but women seem to have done better than most of the men!! excellent!!!

NME said...

Congratulations! You are really a runner!

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